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Zijn Health Plans

Learn more about the plans offered by Zijn Health


Fertility Unsmoked

Smoking harms not only your general health but also your fertility and future child's health. It affects hormonal balance and increases risks like miscarriages and passing on DNA damage to your children, leading to potential health issues for them.


Our plan offers insights into the detrimental effects of smoking on fertility and provides resources to help you quit. By quitting, you not only improve your fertility but also ensure a healthier start for your child.

Fertility Unsmoked

Techless Testes

Digital devices are ubiquitous these days. Many of us keep our phones in our trouser pockets and our laptop on our lap. These devices emit a variety of types of radiation. This might either cause heat stress or directly damage the DNA of your sperm. Excessive heat and radiation from electronic devices may have adverse effects on your sperm quality and overall reproductive health.


It’s a challenge to keep electronic devices away from your devices. Zijn Health offers reminders and notifications to maintain a safe distance from your devices and manage your exposure to radiation.

Fertility Unsmoked

Don’t Fry Your Testes

Heat significantly impacts male fertility, which is why the testicles have their distinct shape and location. Extended exposure to high temperatures can compromise sperm quality, diminishing fertility potential.


Various factors contribute to heat exposure, making it challenging to maintain an optimal testicular temperature. Our guide offers practical advice to help you navigate these challenges.



Keep Calm & Reproduce

Mental health plays a pivotal role in preconception health. Join us to delve deeper into its influence on fertility and hormonal balance, and embark on a journey towards enhanced mental wellness.


Taking care of your mind can help balance your hormones and improve your chances of having a baby. We'll show you easy ways to handle stress and keep track of your progress.


Antioxidant Advantage

Antioxidants are crucial for male fertility as they protect sperm cells from harmful molecules, ensuring their health and preserving their DNA. These substances, like Zinc, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, not only boost the overall quality of sperm but are also associated with higher chances of a successful pregnancy.


Discover the significance of antioxidants for your preconception health and keep an eye on how much you're taking in to ensure optimal fertility benefits.


Lean Legacy

Maintaining a healthy body weight is pivotal for optimal hormonal functioning and male reproductive health. With the alarming rise in global obesity rates understanding the link between weight and fertility is more relevant than ever. Overweight and obesity have been associated with reduced sperm quality, hormonal imbalances, and physical repercussions like increased scrotal temperature and erectile dysfunction.


Our plan aims to guide you through this. When you join, you'll learn about the link between weight and hormones, get tips to shed those extra pounds, and have a way to track your progress. We offer advice on exercise, sleep, and diet to help you improve your fertility and overall health. Let's tackle this journey together!


MicroPlastic Minimizer

Drinking hot drinks from disposable cups can affect your fertility. The heat causes these cups to release microplastics, which can then enter your body and disrupt hormone levels and sperm production.


Our program will teach you more about these unexpected effects on fertility and help you break the paper cup habit. Plus, we'll track your progress. Making a small change, like using a reusable mug, can boost both your health and the environment.


Evidence Based

It's all evidence-based! Our methods are rooted in scientific research and proven to positively impact male health and fertility. Don't just take our word for it, explore our evidence and research to see the results for yourself!

Zijn Health evidence based fertility improvements
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